
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Trip to Walmart...

I went on a trip to Walmart looking for the new Harry Potter dolls. It's been a while since I looked for new dolls...and WOW! It's like Harry Potter Nirvana!

They've got the dolls, wands, a dress-up kit complete with Harry Potter glasses, miniature wands in cute little boxes for your dolls- which I think will fit 18 inch dolls to be truthful- they are 4 inches long- then these cute little plastic figures, for 9.98, then stuffie/plush figures, and well a whole assortment of Harry Potter stuff. The dolls at my Walmart run $20.97 but I live on the East Coast, you may find them cheaper depending on where you live. 

Then let's check out Barbie. It seems she's suddenly into 'camping...or should I say 'Glamping...' 

She's got it all,, even a new Dreamhouse. She's a got a pickup truck with a kayak, dog, tent, and a mud splattered SUV, Stacey has a Pony, Skipper has a tent, they all have a mountain chalet cabin, and a tent- I did say a tent right? lol as well as a mountain bike you can buy when they get bored with all that mountain climbing they will be doing. Barbie has never been so athletic.

The truck comes with a vest, dog, and water bottle as well as a kayak. It's a whopping price of $54.99 hoping it goes down as I would like to get it and paint it. Why couldn't they have done it in red or blue or white? That awful fuschia pink again. At least the SUV is in teal. 

Be sure to check out your clearance aisle, they are putting alot of stuff on clearance too- like fashionistas!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Fame & Fortune Vanessa Perrin

Is it really almost through the middle of August? I have missed the whole month of July and no posting here on the blog.  I have had more dolls than this incredible gift set come into my collection. 

Usually I used to get a doll, unwrap the doll, and hardly wait to blog about it. Now lately, I de-box her , maybe take a few photos, but I am so busy this year these last few months that there has been little time for dolly play , dioramas, just barely time to squeeze in my limited spare time to work on the projects I have for my clubs that I am doing for my club raffle giveaway. My business has ramped up and so has my husband's business so it is now a matter where I get to look at the pretty dollies....

Vanessa arrived and I have to admit I let her sit in her parcel box before even opening the package. I finally had time to open the box yesterday after looking at everyone's pretty pictures of her and decided to look at my own doll, lol. She is stunning. The giftset of giftsets..a real doll parure. 

These are some photos of Vanessa from my phone. I need to take some in a better light. After I get tired of gazing at her in the box maybe I can bring myself to take her out of the box. Sometimes they look so scrumptious IN the box! Like a box of chocolates!

All for now, but I am hopefully back! I will be taking some more pics and posting soon. 