
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Fashionistas on sale at Target!

On my errands yesterday, I found the Fashionistas on sale at Target for $3.68!

Target also had the Our Generation items on sale, and many of their little playsets for the 18 inch dolls work well for Barbie and Fashion Royalty as props. Their Lori dolls also had clothing and the miniature playset food items on sale. It was a buffet sale on the toy aisle and my budget couldn't allow for the spending spree I wanted to perform! So here is the Fashionista (Pinky) that I purchased the biology Our Generation set for $5.99  I picked up. I want to do a Mad Scientist scene and this will look great. 

Isn't this set cool? It even has a board showing all the parts. And an atom part. I love the torso with the parts. 

Pinky I had almost purchased one time when she was $5 a few months ago but decided against it for some crazy reason and then I couldn't find her again at Walmart because she quickly sold out at that insane price since she's a favorite curvy girl. $3.68 is an INSANE low price for these dolls and I might go to a couple of other Targets today to rack up. 

Out of curiousity for dioramas, I compared her with Swinging London Poppy Parker. She is chunky to say the least. 

One great thing- the lime in their cute dresses match! Pinky's head is way bigger than Poppy's head so she looks out of scale. In this picture it doesn't show up so badly as it does in person. In the photo she just looks, well, curvy if you want to be 'nice' or politically correct or she just looks fat if you want to be blunt if you're comparing her to skinny Poppy, LOL. But that is the beauty of these little ladies, they give variety in a scene. Not everyone is model ready and it makes the dioramas look more realistic. 

So glad I was able to add this lovely to my curvy girls collective. 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

W Club Registration dolls have arrived!

Well, they arrived yesterday. I had ordered all three because Integrity gave W Club members this incredible deal if you ordered all three dolls you got the Dressing room diorama for free. Of course, being the prop whore, er, lady of the evening that I am, I couldn't resist, especially since it had a so-70's look to it. 

Today I finished up putting on their jewelry and setting up a little photoshoot with them all. I think of course, Swinging London Poppy Parker is my favorite. Riveria Agnes Von Weiss turned out better than I thought she would- I did not vote for this sketch, but the other sketch, as I dislike bell bottoms intensely. (I had to wear them as a child and hated them in the 70's. They are fugly.) But the outfit turned out more beautiful than I thought it would and was beautifully made. Majesty Giselle is very striking and beautiful. Her hair is gorgeous, and the unusual cuff bracelet with the handle that goes over her fingers is a first. I love the egg purse. My hubcap thinks it looks very Russian. I love the look myself. Especially those spatsy Victorian boots. 

These are of Giselle and that fabulous egg purse and of Swinging London Poppy. 

Poppy has this wonderful box that is shaped like a London telephone booth and I adore it.  I have in my collection of props a London mailbox bank that my great friend Leslie Greenberg gave to the Barbie fashion doll club as  a prize and I was lucky enough to win it at one of our meetings. I have not had a chance to use it but I have more scenes planned when Dark Hollows Poppy gets here- I just have to alter the box so it looks like a REAL telephone booth. Right now Poppy is mailing a letter to her good friend Victoria Poppy Winters to come soon! lol. You can tell I'm a fan of corny horror 60's soap operas?? My mother would never let me watch it as it came on while I was at school but she thought it was creepy and inappropriate because it contained 'witchcraft', and besides, she liked As the World Turns.  lol. 

I also received the free diorama dressing room closet with these dolls but have not set it up. I will do that when I look it over. Evidently there are no written directions with it and there are directions and supplies online but they are waiting to put a video. I hate it when they do stuff like this. I don't want to have to eat up my data to watch a video when written directions would be so much easier to include. I am going to have to look for buying another one as evidently you can only use one side of this diorama when putting it together. Another minus, so glad it was 'free'. 

Enjoy the pics! Lisa

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Barbie Fashionistas ....

So while waiting for my W Club registrations dolls to arrive, I have found the Barbie Fashionistas on sale for $5 at the local Walmarts. Some are on sale, some are not. I have to admit it has been fun being on the prowl for the hard to find curvy girls for my bargain price. I got these recent ladies....

These three I was able to snag at my local Walmart nearby for $5 each. I have to admit I love the tall 'Chandra' AA Barbie with red hair, she might get a made to move body if I can find one. And the two curvy ladies I think are really pretty, especially the one in the flowered dress. I have been wanting these two for while now. 

I had some fun posing them in my bakery this morning. The one I call Chandra with the red hair (she looks like the previous Target Barbie Basics with blonde hair in years past ) has met up with her new boyfriend Darrell. My favorite curvy girl in the flowered dress is going to be named Emily and is talking to Barbie who has breezed in with Poppy Parker. Tamara, the other curvy AA, is standing in the back patiently waiting to be served with her basket. She has to pick up pastries for the break room at the office. 

Today I picked up three more, only I stopped at my Walmart again. I picked up this tall girl for $5. 

I was hoping to pick up this other AA Curvy girl, but at my Walmart she wasn't on sale. :(. I still had to go run errands, so I stopped at another Walmart and found her and this hard to find Ken. ALL of their Fashionistas were $6.36.  

So, I picked up all three of these today...

And did this little photo shoot today with them.....

I have to admit, I wasn't really a fan of the new sculpts and body types at first. But when I put them into the dioramas, they add alot of realism to the population. My only problem with these dolls is some articulation would help them immensely. Standing there with their arms sticking out awkwardly by their sides doesn't help much if they can't bend their arms or position their legs, or sit. So they are useful for populating a diorama, but other dolls will have to work for sitting, etc. 
Mattel is listening, just not very well. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day! 

Remember, while you gaze up at your fireworks this evening, and grill those burgers and enjoy the family time, Freedom isn't free. It came with a price, 
which upon sobering reflection, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence, our forefathers paid in financial ruin, loss of their homes, death of family members, or even paying the ultimate sacrifice- their own life. Not one of them waivered or betrayed their honor. 

And let us not forget the famous words of Patrick Henry....

“An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!
… Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means
which the God of nature hath placed in our power. … Besides,
sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who
presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up
friends to fight our battles for us. … Is life so dear, or peace so
sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take;
but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” - Patrick Henry

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Barbie's Model A Car...

I haven't posted in a long time...but I have the excuse of being busy. With the recent acquisition of this cool little prop, a Model A Car, that is perfect Barbie sized, this was the great reason the do a new post. 

The car is actually an alcohol decanter made by Jim Beam, for Kentucky Bourbon whiskey. I was at an auction recently on a Friday night and saw two of these in a lot and knew immediately that I wanted them. I knew this one would be perfect for my Victorian Barbie dolls. 

If you look closely on the opposite side, you will see the label that says Jim Beam. The liquor spout is underneath the seat. This is a red Model A Ford , 1903. There is a few on Ebay . This particular one also comes in black, they are fairly cheap, from $10-15 on Ebay. 
Here are a couple of auctions- 
Red Model A Decanter car

black Model A Decanter car

The thought also occurred to me that these would make great inexpensive props for the Dr. Who fans. 

After Father had convinced Mother that the automobile  was perfectly safe, they packed their bags and were off for a getaway to the next town for a visit! She still was not convinced...

Especially when they were in the car and he had to check those tires. Never had this trouble with the horses!

Hope you enjoyed the photos and links!