
Friday, April 22, 2016



On Monday, April 25th (@1 PM EST), this book will be available for sale for $19.95 for only a day to fans. Then the price will return to it's original of $29.95.

I have collaborated with other diorama artists in this huge ebook project guaranteed to blow your mind, compiled by Angela Ooaksecrets. It's a digital ebook with 500+ PAGES of step-by-step tutorials on how to create many aspects of dioramas including doors, rooms, windows, fireplace with (illusion) crackling fire, miniature food, and so much more!

Mark your calendars and this page as I'll reveal the website link when it's ready for order!

Until then, if you have questions about my contributing part, feel free to ask !


Monday, April 18, 2016

Va. Fashion Doll Club Easter Parade April Meeting....

Sunday was my Va. fashion doll club April meeting and the theme was Monument Avenue Easter Parade. Here in Virginia historic Monument Avenue is lined with of course, monuments of Southern generals, governors, and historic figures and for four blocks around Easter, it has been a historic tradition on these blocks lined with old, hundred year old homes to have a Easter parade all the way back to the turn of the century. This is one thing the club decided to do throughout the year, to celebrate places in Virginia each meeting. So Barbie and her friends were going to the 'Easter Parade' dressed in her best. Above are some of the photos of the dolls that were attending the parade in their Easter gowns. 

One of the things we were supposed to do was to bring a doll and make a hat to match an Easter outfit and we could also make a hat for Barbie's dog as well. Dogs and children also participate in the Easter parade on Monument avenue and it is wild some of the hats. Not everyone dresses up but everyone does wear hats! The dogs do too! 

I was asked to bring two of my backdrops to make it look more like an avenue, and I did, the old ones made out of foamcore and we propped them up on Jodie's dining room table. The meeting was held at Jodie's house! And she has been re-working her doll room- more pics of that later- as she has been working on her vintage Francie collection!!

We also had a workshop given by Marina and Anita who attended Convention last year and did the hair up-do workshop. Here is my doll which was an old Classique doll off of Ebay I bought for the dress. Her hair was really long. Now it looks like this-

We used hair gel, scissors, glue, pins, hair bands, to get the hair in place. It is amazing how the different dolls all came looking differently.

Jodie's workshop doll

                                     All the workshop dolls on the display 

We were encouraged to bring a doll we didn't mind cutting their hair, or messing up on or care too much about to practice on. Also we were asked to bring an outfit for the doll so we could take photos of them in their new hairstyles after the workshop was complete. 

The above photos are of Jodie's doll room. She's been doing some tweaking since the last time the doll club visited. The cool little disco setup is a Sears exclusive she purchased recently , a very rare vintage find she got from someone selling it on Facebook. It really has a radio in it and the lights go on and off like a real disco! She had all of her mod dolls in it to give it some life too. In a new seperate cabinet she had all of her Skipper, Skooter, Fluff and Ricky and Francie dolls- I hope I got some good photos of them. The SKippers with the Brownie and girl scout uniforms on - she told me the uniforms are from Ginny dolls!

Last are Marina's dolls brought to show and tell that I loved with the funny little moustache glasses on one of them, all dressed in black and white she did. I loved them. Thought they were out of this world cute. 

It was a really fun meeting- hoped you enjoyed the pics!~Lisa