
Monday, August 31, 2015

Va. Fashion Doll Club meeting on Sunday- Barbie Convention

Yesterday was the Va. Fashion doll club meeting and just about all of our members except three of us (including moi) went to convention. I couldn't go this year because last year I would have had to fork out registration for this year and last year's FR convention at the same time. Plus, last year's convention with Barbie they always fill up and there was a waiting list for Arlington in Virginia so there was a waiting list even before you could print the registration online. You literally had to go to New Orleans and register there to go to the convention in Virginia this year. 
The pictures above are one of club members, Scarlett, to the left in pink t shirt, who won the amazing gift set in the raffle prizes, by a texas doll club who donated it. She has all the info on the gift set on a paper and is reading it to us as Linda or Jewelz, as we call her in the club, is holding the gift set for us to see. Nita another club member is looking at a doll that is being passed around. In the background on Jewelz plasma TV is convention pictures being played on a picture slideshow from convention. The giftset was simply one of the incredible things from convention. 

At our meetings since they are a long, and the members travel we have a brunch so we have some fabulous food...

These were the doll 'travel dolls' that traveled with the club members to the convention and went to the travel doll parties and workshops and got their club tshirts. This was the table display.

Lots of room shopping that the doll club members took part in at room sales- here are some of their dolly shopping sales!

The Convention dolls..I want one. Luckilythey are going down in price. I heard from members they are going for as low as $112

Some of the workshops, there were more but not sure I got pictures of all of them...

Some of a fraction of the swag of the members got on the days they were there. The tote bag is of the members had multiples and gave me the A star is barbie tote bag ! I was so pleased to get this convention tote bag. Some members told about walking into parties and just being handed dolls or souvenirs or gifts.  The amount of items they had was simply staggering at each meal. I couldn't take pics of them all. They had a swap table where they were swapping some of the swag with others. It was fun to watch.

In keeping with the theme of Broadway we were each asked to bring a doll that was going to the theatre and their photo was taken in front of the convention theatre backdrop. 

A special gift that we all received at this meeting was made by our vice president Janice. It was a mug she had made for her table gifts for convention. She got such a great deal that she asked the club treasurer if there was enough to do mugs for all the members and voila, we all had a special mug.
The doll int he bathing suit belongs to Jewelz, (Linda,) our club treasurer and is a No. 1  Barbie. The vintage dolls on the left are no. 3's from Janice and Debbie's collections and No. 4's on the left also from Janice and Debbie's collections and possibly from Jody's collections as well. This is such a wonderful item, I can't possibly use it. We all joke about being allowed to breathe on Jewelz' no. 1 Barbie! She is lovely and her husband purchased her for her on her birthday. 
Dolls decorating the mantel on Jewelz fireplace-that is a tealight holder the dolls are standing on...

Closeups of the giftset that Scarlett won at convention at the raffle...

and finally some pics of Jewelz ' doll room....

I hope you enjoyed the pics!~Lisa