
Monday, May 27, 2013

Snow White- Disney Classics Doll arrived!

Disney's Classics Snow WHite arrived while I was out of town on business in Tampa Florida. I had seen this doll on Fashion Dolls at Van's Doll Treasures blog when Disney had a store sale on the Classics articulated Disney princesses. I fell in love with Snow White but at the time could not afford the dolls...W Club had taken a bite out of my wallet! But I found Snow White on Ebay and already had one of the Disney drawfs from Walmart when they were sold individually. Now I'm looking for the other 6 dwarves, which are hard to find sometimes. 
Here she is- what a deal- $17 including shipping. 

These are really quick photos of her and the one drawf I had. I have an idea to do a fairytale scenes/dioramas, and her face mold was not that cartoonish looking like some of them, I was really more pleased with her. Tonight, since nothing is on TV and I like to unwind, I will be watching Snow White the platinum edition we have.

I am hoping to get Mirror, Mirror for more inspiration for another project in my mind's eye....more later!~Lisa

Friday, May 17, 2013

Poppy visits a friend......photostory

Poppy Parker is stopping by to visit her friend who has just moved to Barbietown in one of the new condos on the edge of town, not far from McDonald's Diner. Her friend Christy and her infant daughter and husband have relocated to Barbietown. It has been a while since Poppy has seen Christy, as they went to school together.

Poppy knocks on the french doors, and hears Christy yell, 'Come in!"

Poppy comes into the condo and is pleasantly surprised at the decor; they have just moved in. It is a large, spacious living area, foyer with kitchenette. Christy smiles, and says,'Hey stranger! Couldn't get up because I just got the baby settled down a bit! Have a seat!'
Poppy sits in the chair near to Christy and saysm" It's so great to see you! I'm amazed at how well the place looks! How did you do it?'

'Well, it was hard moving in by myself," Christy admits. 'You know my husband hasn't yet finished his two weeks at his job from the state where we moved from, so he is still there wrapping up everything. The house was sold, and he is staying in an efficiency apartment right now until he finishes and then transfers out here to his job in town. But that will be a couple of weeks of so. I couldn't have done it without your help Poppy, coordinating the movers, and getting me in touch with that nice realtor.'

Poppy shrugs it off, 'Oh Christy, it was nothing. I'm just so glad you're here. I wanted to ask you something, very important.'
Christy cocks her head to the side and smiles.'Is it about your upcoming engagement with Ryan??"
Poppy laughs.'Yes, how did you know! I was saving it to tell you!"
:"Hey, we were old pals in school and did everything!! You think I wouldn't know from the way you talk about Ryan? not to mention his diner, his brother, his sister, and---" Christy laughs..
Poppy laughs along.'I have it that bad for him, it shows doesn't it?
Christy nods."YEP! You do! I'm really happy for you Poppers"
"I wanted to ask if you would be Matron of Honor at my wedding," Poppy says hesitantly.
Christy squeals.'OF COURSE! " she then catches Poppy's eye and asks the all knowing question.'How have your parents taken Ryan? Do they like him?"
Poppy blanches at the q1uestion.'Actually Christy, they haven't really met him yet. You know how Mother and Dad are, especially my older sister!"

Christy nods. 'Poppy, all I can tell you the longer you hold off telling them, least of all, letting them meet Ryan, the worse they will take it. You know how your mom is---I bet you this minute she's picking out your debutante ballgown for the 'season'." Poppy nods with tears in her eyes. Christy continues.'your dad and younger sister aren't going to be much of a problem, your dad will support you I know. It's your mom you have to convince."
Poppy sighs.'I know, but I just don't know how to get out of it! I'm supposed to have dinner with the family soon , Mother has scheduled the family dinner in about week or so." Poppy moodily stares at the window..
Christy arches her eyebrow and laughs.'Your mother schedules a family dinner a week or two in advance??"
Poppy grins.'Yes, with her chairity work, Dad's work at the hospital, and the parties and functions they attend at the Manor- remember Mom is an aunt to the Baroness Von Weiss- she's my cousin. I had to please sickness to get out of attending her tea the other Saturday.'
Christy frowns, and then speaks."Well Poppers, like I said, don't embarrass your mom. I know you love Ryan, and his family, but you need to go gently. And Of course, I will be your Matron of Honor. " She flashes a grin and then smiles wickedly. 'NOW onto important stuff- what dress have you picked out for me to wear?? More importantly, what dress are you gong to wear ?""


More to come on later photostories concerning Poppy and Ryan getting married, I am going slowly as the last few months since Ryan asked Poppy to marry him I have been too busy to do much of anything with the characters of Barbietown, but I knew as soon as I saw Christy she would be the perfect friend for Poppy.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day...

                   Happy Mother's Day!

Not much to post today...but I wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day!
*I am also having a 10% off all fixed price listings in my Ebay store Pumpkin Hill Studios
As well as over 40+ auctions in our Ebay auctions of damaged, or flawed Bespaq large scale furniture.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Family House makeover

Today I finished the cutting of the upper floor for the makeover of the Happy Family dollhouse I bought at the doll show back in February for $10. After receiving Bedtime Chrissy and Barbie, I knew that that crib had to go in this house. They just belong together. So baby Chrissy and Barbie also got name makeovers as well- Barbie became Christy and Chrissy became Baby Ruth. Christy's husband has been traveling and has not arrived yet with the rest of their belongings- they are new to Barbietown. (I have not decided who Christy's husband will be!) Poppy, a long time friend of Christy and who she is planning on asking to be her Matron of Honor at her wedding, had come by to check in on her and Ruthie and see if she needed anything. I think a story is in the making and hopefully one diorama story will be up soon.
I have not yet thought of room divisions as of yet. But this house is proving to be alot of fun with just some simple materials and what I have on hand. More later- Lisa

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

Today, May 1st is my the dolls and my best doll friend, Agnes, threw me a birthday party at the Manor. It was fun! I got to wear my new red dress, I got CAKE...balloons, and loads of fun. What more  could a doll want??? Well.........DOLLS.
Today I decided to de-box the hoard of dolls I have purchased but just never got around to deboxing for Barbietown and dioramas I want to do. So today I did.
I started with that extrodinary find Barbie and Chrissy bedtime/babysitting set I found at an antique store a couple of weeks ago.
I love this doll! Her hair is gorgeous!

I have shown her here with Holland Barbie, because I thought they looked a little similar, but I don't think so. Holland Barbie uses the teen Skipper sculpt. (I have decided to rebody Holland Barbie for teenage Mary Ingalls) But back to the set- Her outfit is cute! and the crib is adorable. I did not know the crib can move teh Chrissy doll back and forth and play music. It also comes with a moveable mobile, canopy and  the baby bottles and accessories.
Then I moved on to the Great Oz doll. I picked him up at Walmart one day before they were completely gone.

In spite of the 'big head' he has going on, I think he can work in my Victorian scenes. I took comparison pics of him with Pa Ingalls and Victorian Lady Barbie and his head is just way too big. I love his suit though and China Doll is adorable. However, his valise does not open. 
Onto Teacher Barbie playset. This was on sale for $9? I think or $11. The Chelsea has jointed knees and can raise her hand.

Teacher Barbie has adorable shoes and outfit. I may keep her as a worker doll in the school on the shelves I'm working on. The chalkboard is cute and the set comes with glue bottle, scissors and lunchbos as well as Chelsea's desk and a large piece of chalk. I think however, the Barbie has hollow legs because her left leg wants to turn inward.....but the props are worth the money and she was on sale for half off. can't beat that deal with two dolls in there!

And last but not least is Out Sass Vanessa. I haven't yet de-boxed her or Carlisle from the Twilight dolls. Trying to save me some doll time and deboxing these three dolls was fun! 

I am hoping to spend the rest of the day with my hubby and maybe the weekend with my parents since work is crazy busy. 
More on the blog later, now I have to get back to my party or Agnes is going to be upset!!!

I am having a sale in my Etsy Store, click on the box above the slideshow on my blog here. Coupon code lasts until May 3rd, 5% off $6 purchase or more if you type in lisasbirthdaysale 
There is also a THANKYOUSOMUCH coupon- $2 off $10 purchase or more until May 5th.