
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Part lll: Lunch at McDonald's, Broken Promises...

Yesterday, on Part ll, we left the characters of let's continue with the rest of the story......


 Willow: I want you to know I'm really trying to help Ricky, he's been so great to me. I took time out from other people who needed the tutoring but Ricky really impressed me! I had no idea he wanted to get into that ivy league college- it's pretty expensive so he will need these classes on his credits to get in!
Ryan and Poppy look at Willow stunned....Ryan is surprised, but Poppy is not.
Ryan does not know what to say...he clears his throat and says, 'Willow, thank you so much for helping Rick. I know he'll do fine.'

Willow: Oh I know we'll have so much fun! The new trig books explain the formulas so much better than the older format! (Ryan & Poppy have no idea what she is talking about) Well, I think he is almost finished! Gotta go! Willow happily turns and heads towards the dining area.
Poppy & Ryan exchange knowing looks....
Poppy: Don't you see what I mean now? This is crazy! And I bet I know why all of a sudden he has decided to take those harder courses.....
Ryan: Why? He's going to college anyway...
Poppy: C'mon Ryan. Brie is in ALL the harder college courses. Ricky isn't thinking about how hard it is going to be. His only hope of getting in and keeping up is if Willow tutors him...
Poppy: I just hope Willow doesn't take it too hard...
Ryan: Poppers, I know this is upsetting you...but why don't we just let them work it out...and I need to ask ya something....
Poppy: What is it Ryan?
Ryan: Would you like to go out with me sometime? We haven't really had an 'official''ve been coming by for lunch...but I'd like to do something better than this greasy spoon..I really like ya, Poppers....(Ryan looks at Poppy shyly...)
Poppy: Wowza....but could you say it again?
Ryan(looking puzzled) Say what?
Poppy: I simply adore it when you call me....Poppers...and yes, I'd love to go out with you...
Ryan smiles....we'll leave the two blooming lovebirds, and go into the dining room where Willow is heading ...
Willow has come up behind Ricky and Brie, who is doing most of the talking while Ricky politely listens...
Willow clears her throat, standing behind Ricky, but he doesn't seem to hear.
Willow: Ahem...(cough cough)
Brie:...."and I told, Daddy simply would not let me do that, it isn't the season to go to Boca Rotan right now, but I would LOVE to go...--"
Willow: Er, Ricky...
Willow goes to stand behind Brie in Ricky's view...and he looks up and smiles.
"Willow! Hi!"
Brie: WHO is Willow--
Willow moves back into Brie's view nearer to Ricky...Brie looks astonished at Willow's ensemble, and for once, is speechless....Ricky is obviously relieved to see Willow..
Ricky: Hey Willow! Wow you brought the books--right on time!
Brie: What books???
Brie: Hey, I know you....don't you hang out with that weird girl Buffy??
Willow: Yes, Buffy is my friend. and she's not weird...
Ricky: Hey Willow...(tryingt to get a word in edgewise...)
Brie(delighting in being malicious to Willow) ..that's a curious ensemble you have there Willow-where did you get it- Fugly R Us? (starts to giggle)
Willow : No actually I got this sweater recently, but never heard of that store before...
Ricky is getting really uncomfortable at this point and interjects...
"hey Brie, c'mon, Willow is a friend here..." (Remember, at this point Ricky doesn't realize that Willow has a crush on him...but Brie DOES...
Brie: Well, Excuse me....
Willow, thinking to herself no excuse for you.....
Ricky: Brie, Willow was going to help me study for the entrance exams in August, so I'm going to have to cut lunch short...
Brie: (sputtering) What?? You PROMISED we were going to go out this evening...
Ricky, truly stunned: Brie, you know I'm grounded.
Willow: interrupting the argument," Ricky, if you and Brie would like to take longer for lunch, that's ok, I still can come back after the dinner hour shift and we can take an extra half hour to go over the geometry stuff- you know most of it I think...
Brie: You PROMISED last night during Shrek we could go out tonight!
Ricky: (truly confused now) Hey, Willow, NO, Don't leave, I am working all day and need to cram this in...and the dinner rush might be heavy....
Turning to Brie, he says firmly: Brie- you know I was grounded because last night I didn't call my brother about the all night movie thing- I had a blast- but Willow is taking her time out to tutor me here at work--and I DON'T remember promising anything during SHREK...
Brie: WELL...I just don't know Ricky. I thought you were IT...breaking a date with ME, I let you drive my car!
Ricky: You're missing the point....I can't go out anyways, and I need to keep my promise to Willow here- she's my best bud..
Brie: BEST BUD! What am I? WEISER????
Willow: Ribbit....(imitating the frog beer commercial)
Ricky laughs, as he gets the joke, but Brie does not...and gets angry...

Willow stops her in mid sentence.
'You know, you keep talking about you- you , you, but you've gotten Ricky in trouble with his brother Ryan, and now all you're thinking about is going out. No one is friends with you because of the way you act-- anybody would be thrilled to not only have Ricky as a friend, but he's the only one who WOULD go out with you because he probably LIKES you--- why I don't know- and you're just being a big, ...a...a...(Willow is so angry she can't think) a Big Stupidhead!" (that is the worst insult Willow can think of at the moment.)
Ricky is somewhat speechless, and it dawns on him Willow must like him...
With that, Willow is so embarrassed & angry, she goes to the door to leave, without remembering her reason for coming to the McDonald's....
Ricky sits in stunned silence, while Willow leaves....
Willow goes to the door to leave, still stunned at her outburst...
To Be Barbietown

Hope you enjoyed the storyline...I am still experimenting with the characters in Barbietown, and have alot of plans for it, as the dolls, props and settings are acquired & built. I like to kind of leave the plot open, so anything can happen, change, etc. Maybe we can catch up with Ricky and see if the broken promises to Brie or Willow will pan out....I'm thinking Brie will move onto another
More for later!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Part ll: Lunch at McDonald's, & Broken Promises...

Alot has been going on in Barbietown since Ricky and Brie had their big date, where Ricky got into trouble for staying out all night, and not calling Ryan. Ricky  & Brie had agreed that after the lunch rush, they would have a late lunch together.

Here is where the story gets ....a little deeper...Ricky has forgotten that his best friend at school, Willow, had agreed to tutor him on Saturdays on his lunch hour, and after work for an hour, in preparation for an entrance exam he needs to take at school next year. Willow has agreed to take time out on Saturdays, her only free time, and tutor him thru the summer while school is out so he can qualify for the entrance exams this coming August.  Dating Brie, all thoughts of anything else have flown out of Ricky's head, including work and school.

The lunch rush has ended at McDonald's....only a few customers are eating a late lunch...
Becky Green, seated at a table with Baby Steven, is having a late lunch with Agnes Von Weiss' assistant, Evie, who is giving Becky the list for Monday's errands she will have to run for Evie . Becky is really Evie's assistant, since Agnes is so demanding.

Evie: ".... Don't get me wrong, I like Agnes, she's a go getter! Everyone says she has no taste, but she is PHENOMENAL......Anyone would kill to have our jobs!By the way, why did you bring the baby??
Becky, wondering what she has gotten herself into, clears her throat and speaks."If you remember, I was only hired part time to do the errands, filing, etc. that you needed me to do. One of the conditions was I would be able to bring Steven with me, as I cannot afford a babysitter..."
Evie pauses as if trying to remember if she had agreed to that..."Oh, sorry about that. Anyways, the errands for next week...I have a list right here in my purse...Dry cleaners for the evening wear, go to the Office supply store and pick up paper, and the list here, but drop by the bakery and pick up a dozen of those croissants FIRST THING as Agnes likes them super fresh....blah, blah, blah.."
Evie continues her horrendous list that has to be done on Monday, while Becky listens in shock....
Meanwhile, in Barbietown, Willow, Ricky's friend is hurrying to McDonald's ...
She runs into Poppy Parker, one of her friends in front of the bakery. Poppy is also on her way to McDonald's to see Ryan, Ricky's brother. Since the picnic at the Greens' house, Poppy and Ryan have been becoming 'an item'....
They stop, by great coincidence, in front of Brie Gallagher's car. Poppy notices, but Willow doesn't.
Willow: Hi Poppy!
Poppy: Hi Willow- are you on your way to McDonald's too?
Willow- Yeah! How'd you know?
Poppy glances nervously at the car.'no reason, what are the books for?
Willow: Oh, it's so great really. Ricky asked me to tutor him for those entrance exams for the classes he needs next year! I told him a couple of hours on Saturdays and he should be good. We usually have a late lunch, go over the basics, then I come back later in the evening ...
Poppy: Wow Willow, that is giving up alot of time on Saturdays for this dude..
Willow- (blushing ) Oh, I know- but what are friends for?
Poppy wisely decides not to point out the trouble Ricky recently got into with Brie Gallagher...
Willow- wow, look at the time! I have to run! I have an errand to do before I meet Ricky!(blushes again)
Poppy thinks to herself, Wow, she has a crush on him bad....this is not good. Poppy rushes to get to McDonald's before Willow does....
Brie, true to her word, has met Ricky at the exact time and is buying the Super Deluxe meal for lunch. Ricky is tongue tied while Brie goes on about the fun they had the previous night, oblivious to the fact that Ricky might be grounded or tired from staying up all night.
Ricky: I've got your burger, drink, fries you got the expensive Deluxe!
Brie, puzzled: Expensive? It's only $7! It's just lunch!
Ricky, laughing, 'Yeah! Just lunch! Hey, I need to ask my brother if it is ok to take MY lunch now with my favorite girl!
Brie: Really????you have to ASK? Doesn't your family own the place?
Ricky, ' Well, yeah, but c'mon Brie. It's just me, Ryan and Hannah running the place- this is all we have.
Brie, Touches Ricky's hand as he hands her the tray...
Their hands linger a bit...and so does their look. Ricky thinks he is beginning to fall for Brie...
Brie: I understand Ricky, I'm sorry I was so insensitive. Want me to get a seat while I wait for you to finish up? I don't mind waiting....
Ricky, smiles with relief...'Gee thanks! I'll just be a minute or two...
Ricky goes to the kitchen to find Ryan, who is working on some quick prep.
Ricky: Hey Ryan! I'm going to take my lunch now- is that ok??
Ryan, looking up distracted; 'Hey what time is it? Is it one o'clock already! GO ahead!
Ricky hesitantly hangs back.
'Dude, are we ok? I'm sorry about last night...but I'm having lunch with Brie here, if that's ok...:"
Ryan: Rick, I told you. You ARE grounded, but I don't care if you have lunch with your friends, that's cool.
Ricky's smile beams. Thanks Ryan!
He gets his lunch tray and goes to sit with Brie...
..who continues to entertain Ricky with stories of her dad, and shopping. Ricky pretends interest, but some of the people Brie talks about Ricky does not know.
Meanwhile, Poppy has raced to McDonald's hoping to get there before Willow...
She comes in just as Brie and Ricky are going to their table for lunch, but Willow is nowhere in sight.Poppy breathes a sigh of relief..and heads to the take out window where Ryan is working...
He sees her wave, and nods to her to come to the back, while he is fixing an order..
Ryan: Hey tornado! He stops when he sees she looks upset. What's the matter?
Poppy: Has Willow come in yet?
Ryan: Willow? Ricky's friend from school? No..
Poppy: I saw Willow on my way over here. You did know that she's tutoring him for his entrance exams that he is taking in August, right?
Ryan: I think so. So?
Poppy: Well, it's more to it than that. I saw her and I think she has a crush on your brother.
Ryan: OH Crap...
Ryan looks at Poppy in disbelief.

Ryan sighs. 'So what do I do? He's lost his head over this girl, Poppy.
Poppy: I know...but Willow thinks that Ricky likes her like she likes him...
Poppy: I saw her downtown, she had an errand to run. Evidently Ricky promised to study on his lunch hour with her and for another hour in the evening , here. I'm guessing he thinks it's just Willow...being a friend, and nothing more. But Willow isn't going to think that.
Ryan interrupts...and I just gave him permission to have lunch now...he said he was having Lunch with Brie and asked if it was ok....
Poppy..(now mad for her friend) That little snake! He promised Willow!
Ryan: ...sighs again....Look Poppers, I can't do much...this is something Ricky is going to have to figure out for himself...

At that time, Willow has just arrived at McDonald's and sees Ricky sitting with Brie, and Hannah speaking with the jogger who comes in for lunch. She looks hesitantly around, since Ricky and Brie are engrossed in their conversation and do not notice her...
Poppy looks and sees Willow come in, at the door.
Poppy: Uh-oh, she's here. Shhh! don't let on you know.
Ryan: sighing again...Ok..
 Willow comes up to the takeout window. 'Hi Guys! Fancy meeting you here!
Poppy and Ryan respond back Hey Willow!
Ryan: Hi Willow, Ricky is on lunch now.
Poppy avoids looking at Willow...who is oblivious to everything.
Willow: Thank you Ryan! I noticed he was eating with Brie...if he finishes up quick, then we can go over the geometry he was having problems with, then move onto the formulas.
Ryan: Uh, sure. Is this for his entrance exams? He didn't mention it to indepth to me.
Willow: Oh yes! Ricky wanted to take the harder classes next year, so since I'm one of the math tutors during the summer, this was the only way he could get up to speed to take the entrance exams at the end of August for placement.
Ryan...thinking to himself, Oh boy.

                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Note: This is such a long part 2 that I have had to divide it up a bit. The blog moves slower when alot of pics are uploaded. I want to make the stories into a comic /cartoon type of format, but that software is on my mainframe pc and not my Hopefully, I will be able to get the rest of teh story up by tomorrow after I finish going thru all of the pictures. Seems like the story in Barbietown is really heatin up!
Enjoy- Lisa

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Babies R Them...

A new arrival at the One Sixth Scale DOllhouse, via Ebay , in a lot. I had learned a little about some dolls Mattel produced in the late 80's or early 90's called Hearts club family, or some such name, that came with toddlers. Well, I found a lot of them on ebay going for $8 which I won. Above you can see the photos of the invasion of the Chubbo- toddlers...
I'm not that crazy about them. The little guy with brown hair is cute. The two that look alike and look like twins are ok, but the little girl with the big 80's hair do looks like a character from that Obese kids special Dr. Phil did. In fact, when I opened the box, that was the first thing I thought of. No wonder the seller did not put the height on these little ones....they will eat me out of plastic hamburgers and Re-ment in no time!
So I took some photos after my initial disappointment on trying to populate Barbietown and brought out some of the kids for size comparisons...

Above is the little cutie boy with a Mini American Girl Emily- she is 6 inches high, and not too thin herself. They look a little like brother and far, so good.
Also above is a group picture...poor teeny Kelly is so petite next to the Chubbo twins, and they're sitting! I have also included a little Chelsea friend too.

The Obese toddlers measure in at 4 inches high, about the same height as Kelly, but way fatter.

So then I decided to see if they would look ok with some of the adult dolls....First I tried Maddie Green, resident Grandmother of Barbietown.

I put her in a nice big comfy chair to offset the scale craziness and plopped Emily next to her, they just look like chunky kids. I'm thinking their parents are going to have to be power team action figures and maybe one of those fugly character celebrity dolls like Mimi....hmm...
However, the nekked twin is just TOO big, as is the blonde chubbo toddler too with the bouffant.

I may use these dolls in a skit of some sort.....

And that got me thinking--- if they looked big on Maddie, what about one of the fashion royalty dolls?
Unfortunately, Agnes and Agatha could never consent to picking up 'chunky' toddlers, so I grabbed Anja...I forgot what a drama queen she can be...

NOOOOOOOOOO! I'm a SUPERMODEL, not a SUPERMOM! Eek! Don't take a picture of me- this will ruin my image!" (forgive her, she just got her nails done and wanted to show them off...)

Me: Ok, sit still and don't're going to ruin the photos, Emily look this way...
Anja: Really, are you serious? Does my agent know about this? Agnes will be extremely upset at me doing this Happy Family cheesecake...YUCK! WHAT IS THAT SMELL?? Did this --fat infant just fart????
Me: oK, You moved, and waved your hands all around...(sounds of baby farting and beginning to squirm with Anja's overdramatic gesturing...)
Anja: Really, These fat children need a diet....and some exercise..
Me: take it easy, he's a toddler,, and he can't walk yet!
As you can see, the chubby toddler is way too fat for the fashion royalty gals....I'm thinking their kids have to be designer kids you carry in  a shopping bag ...

Finally, Maddie had enough, so she took chubby toddler off of Anja's hands to quiet him down while Anja made sure she didn't 'smell' like toddler....
But, his head is way too big, I think he looks ok sitting on the floor or maybe in a high chair or stroller, but he looks quite big, even though his legs curl around her waist just right.

Unfortunately for Anja, someone said 'ice cream' and the kids began to clamour about wanting some, which this supermodel just couldn't handle...we will leave them now as Maddie will probably begin to figure out a new diet regime for these little chubbo's in her daycare..

I have to say I have days like that too Anja...Calgon take me away!!!!!!

As to whether or not I will be keeping the chubbo toddlers, I am going to have to figure out which dolls they will mesh with and look right in scale. I may keep the little brown haired guy, but the two that look like twins I'm on a hedge about. The bouffant obese blonde toddler will definitely have to go minus her cute outfit....see, this is what happens when you troll ebay....
Hope you enjoyed the photos!