
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happy Memorial Day weekend...

Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Everyone here at the 'Patch has been attending to their correspondence, and keeping Finch Express busy, busy ,busy with sending letters and cards. Annabelle is no exception, and had her letters neatly tied with ribbon for Marigold Finch to deliver to all her doll friends at Pumpkin Hill, from the One Sixth Scale dollhouse.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Anja is finally deboxed!

Regal Solstice Anja, my new Fashion Royalty W club doll, arrived about a month ago- in early April, but I waited until yesterday to debox her. She was still in the box when I attended last month's Va. Fashion doll club meeting for show and tell. This dress is so lovely, it reminds me of the photographer Cecil Beaton and the fashions back in the fifties with the elaborate embroidery on filmy, gauzey fabrics. Sheer perfection, so feminine. sigh...would love to dress this way, sorta timeless.
Haven't yet deboxed my Dressmaker Details fashion I won in the W club lottery, Starry Night. What???you say?? Dressmaker Details, W club dolls just sitting about in their boxes?? no deboxing???lol. Yes. My 1:6 scale dolly budget has been severely cut back. I am trying to decide which Barbie should come home soon, I'm thinking probably Jack Sparrow, as I kind of like the whole pirate thing. lol.

Yesterday I did loads of work on the house, getting pieces of wallpaper off, alot of scraping, and getting glitter glue off one or two of the steps as well. In this before  picture you can see where I had to scrape it off the wall and one of the steps taking off finish. That's ok, because the floors will be done as well. I still marvel at how well my stepdad did the workmanship on this house. I came up with some ideas to add provenance, or history behind the house as well. My stepdaughter originally had a name plate over the door, which I pulled off and set aside. The windows and door have to be customized for this house. Above is a picture of the nameplace, and the date she received the house. I plan to put another one on the house, with ny name and the date of my nineth birthday as well, but will probably put both on different places in the house, as well as my own signature and maybe my dad's signature as well, since he built the house. The house is almost 30 years old, and has held up incredibly well.
All for now-

Saturday, May 21, 2011

New project dollhouse

I have a new project on the works, of restoration. The house is quite special because it was my childhood dollhouse, created for me by my stepdad when I was nine years old- back in 1974-1975. It is unique because it isn't really too scale, but was made for me to play with my 8 inch Madame Alexander dolls. Remember the 2 little girls and a little dollhouse, from Sesame street, where the kittens crash the party? click the video above, this was one of my favorites as a child.

The house had been repainted along in 2001 0r 2002 for my stepdaughter when she turned about 7 years old, and was repainted in her color choices, and we had an open dollhouse party for her birthday. Since it has been just sitting there, I noticed the scale of the house, similar to the dollhouse in the video (I estimate the scales of the two houses to be 1 1/2 inches to the foot, since they were chubby little Madame Alexanders) would be wonderful for my tiny bjd's, especially April Mae, my new Leekeworld doll project Rainy acquisition I got for my birthday.
I have started to paint the house, white with black roof shingles. I still need to repair the shingles in places.

Here are some of the pictures after it was painted with primer and one coat of regular house paint. The interior needs alot of work. The most beautiful thing about this house is the staircase, with closet underneath that my stepdad Mr. Tom, made me. I will probably be wallpapering it inside - since this house is going to be upgraded to be a little modern. The house is quite large, it sits on casters. I remember it was made that way so I could roll it into the den or living room and be with the family while I played.
The doors and windows are much tougher, but I have decided on bay windows on the four larger windows. The one overtop of the door will be the hardest to work. I will probably use a 1:12 scale door built up with stripwood and moldings for the front door.

April Mae has already picked out her windows, still need to order more. She likes the view but isn't too sure she will like the painting prospect. I have included this house in the One Sixth Scale Dollhouse blog because though it will be decorated in 1:12 scale, you will see occasional oddities in scale with this house, such as Rement, etc. since the tinies love Rement.
A note on April Mae:  She is quite a fiesty little one, even more so than Dixie. And that's bossy! She likes things 'just so' and is quite unsatisfied with the haphazaard way the tinies have run things at Strawberry Hill Manor. I named her April Mae because she arrivedin April, and May was my birthday month. April Mae is quite demanding in the clothing department, so the vintage Tutti dress was the first thing she stole from one of the other dolls. lol. More on April Mae later....

Friday, May 6, 2011

Leekeworld Doll Project Rainy...

My Leekeworld Rainy arrived about a few days before my birthday....and this little doll is hard to figure out. First, she has been quite shy about telling me her name...and she seems to sit apart from the other tinies, who are far more extroverted. I had some time the other day and did a few shots of her in the Bespaq bed from the dollhouse, and she seemed to come out ofher shell in the comfy bed. She has a sweet face, and I'm going to be getting some new outfits for her. I believe she is about the size of a Lati White special, since they are about 12 cm and she 13.5 cm (5 1/2 inches high) it is her body and feet that are a little hard to fit.
I will be posting more pics when I get them taken of Wren (Realpuki Soso) and her little house when it is finished!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Lisa!

My Divas got together and decided to wish me Happy Birthday! Thisis an older picture, but one of the best photo setups I did, I think.  I love this picture since one of my favorite colors is pink, and it exhibits some of my best work in 1:6 scale. My birthday falls on May 1st, Mayday...

I had a few new residents arrive at the One Sixth Scale dollhouse & Pumpkin of them is Jason Wu's Regal Solstice...she is so so gorgeous....reminds me of the 50's and the British fashion houses back then, photographed by Cecil Beaton...

I have had a wonderful birthday weekend...the best in years. The weather has been lovely, and lots of dolly dreams came true. The tinies got together and wished me a Happy Birthday as well...............

Happy Birthday to me!
